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A vegan restaurant has gone zero waste in Berlin!

Frea is Germany’s first plant based, zero waste restaurant located in Mitte, Berlin. They have focused on generating as little trash as possible, and even the furnishings were chosen with sustainability and environmental awareness in mind. During the construction of the restaurant, many items were wrapped in plastic. They collected all the plastic, sent it … Continued

Paddock to Plate – Plate to Paddock: How a restaurant does it

“Now, when the farmers drop off their produce we give them some fertiliser. Last week, my strawberry supplier gave me two trays of beautiful fresh strawberries in exchange for a tub full of fertiliser from the composter.” Alejandro Cancino – Co-owner and Executive Chef When Alejandro Cancino decided to move to Brisbane in 2012 he … Continued

Nolla – the first zero waste restaurant in the Nordic region

“70 000 kg – that’s how much waste the average restaurant produces in a year” Carlos, Luka and Albert are three friends and culinary chefs who trained at some of the world’s best restaurants. Together, they decided to open Restaurant Nolla in order to change the restaurant industry and do what they love with a … Continued

Silo – Award Winning Zero Waste Restaurant Composts with Oklin

Silo, an award-winning zero waste restaurant, bakery and coffee house in Brighton opened in 2014 and pioneered zero waste dining in the UK. In order to become zero-waste, food is delivered packaging free in reusable crates, containers, cans or pails. Silo offers a strategically crafted menu which is limited, allowing for everything to be used … Continued

Composting at Sweden’s National Museum of Science and Technology

At the National Museum of Science and Technology, you can explore and discover how everything fits together. Since its start in 1936, the museum has received millions of children and adults curious to see, feel, touch and understand technology in our society. The National Museum of Science and Technology is Sweden’s biggest museum of technology, … Continued

Matt Stone discusses a zero waste restaurant TedxTalk

Matt explains how he reduces waste in his restaurants to zero and in turn makes the food, eco system and community better. His restaurants were zero waste, taking in no waste, nor generating any waste that needed to be disposed of in landfill. For example, milk was delivered in vats, saving 45,000 plastic bottles per … Continued

Bloom in the Park – Malmo, Sweden

According to the Michelin guide, Bloom in the Park in Malmo, Sweden is “a restaurant with a difference: it has no menu and no wine list! Boldly flavoured, eye-catching dishes use imaginative, original combinations of top quality ingredients, including organic herbs and flowers from their greenhouse. It’s set in a pretty lakeside lodge and has a … Continued

Jamie Oliver uses Oklin Composter at CEO Cookoff!

Jamie Oliver Group and UKHarvest organized the CEO CookOff in London, England. The aim is to raise £2 million to target food waste, obesity and malnutrition. Did you know? In the UK, 33% of children under the age of 18 are overweight or obese. Largely, this is simply because they’re eating the wrong things. We need to … Continued
