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Matt Stone discusses a zero waste restaurant TedxTalk

Matt explains how he reduces waste in his restaurants to zero and in turn makes the food, eco system and community better. His restaurants were zero waste, taking in no waste, nor generating any waste that needed to be disposed of in landfill. For example, milk was delivered in vats, saving 45,000 plastic bottles per year and they used recyclable and reusable black crates to transport fresh food from farmers, instead of cardboard boxes.

They successfully created a place where they’re not taking in any waste. The next challenge was figuring out what to do with the leftovers. As much as they try to use everything possible, no one wants to eat onion peels or carrot tops.

Okin’s Closed Loop composting machine was installed to compost food waste generated from the restaurant, as well as from nearby restaurants. The composter reduces organic waste by 90 percent in 24 hours, and converts it into an odourless, nutritious compost filled with healthy bacteria to enrich the soil. The compost is then brought to a farm to grow vegetables that the restaurants serve to their patrons.

Read Matt Stone’s 7 tips for a sustainable kitchen here.