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A vegan restaurant has gone zero waste in Berlin!

Frea is Germany’s first plant based, zero waste restaurant located in Mitte, Berlin. They have focused on generating as little trash as possible, and even the furnishings were chosen with sustainability and environmental awareness in mind.

During the construction of the restaurant, many items were wrapped in plastic. They collected all the plastic, sent it to a company that melted it all down, and have now hung the piece of art on their wall. Most of their furnishings came from E-Bay classified ads, and the 8 lampshades above the bar is made of mycelium from a fungus that grows in the shape of a lamp.

They minimize waste by making everything themselves, whether it’s their own drinks, bread, pasta, butter or even hazelnut milk. Their produce is delivered straight to them from the farm unpackaged and plastic-free. To ensure their operations are zero waste and as sustainable as possible, any food scraps that can’t be fermented, that can’t be cooked or re-used in any way, it is emptied into Oklin’s composter to turn into compost in 24 hours! When the farmers come to drop off fresh produce, they happily take away the nutrient rich compost from the composter to fertilizer their crops!


GG10s in Frea, a vegan, zero waste restaurant in Berlin
Frea, a vegan, zero waste restaurant in Berlin
Stop by for a delicious lunch or dinner!
Mon – Sat 12pm-3pm
Wed – Sat 6pm-10pm