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Composting at Sweden’s National Museum of Science and Technology

At the National Museum of Science and Technology, you can explore and discover how everything fits together.

Since its start in 1936, the museum has received millions of children and adults curious to see, feel, touch and understand technology in our society. The National Museum of Science and Technology is Sweden’s biggest museum of technology, and has a national charter to preserve our technical and industrial history as part of our cultural heritage.

Tekniska by Pontus is the museum’s new restaurant, run by the stellar Chef Pontus Frithiof together with Nordrest.

In this newly built restaurant, the founder Pontus Frithiof and his co-workers present a new food concept where future, innovation and sustainability are the starting points. Together with the playful environment, this will be an experience for the whole family.

At the end of the meals, patrons can bring their uneaten food and dispose of it at the waste station to feed the robot, where he keeps track of the amount of food waste he receives. The food waste is then brought to Oklin’s composter, where the food waste is composted, and the compost is packaged and sold on-site.

Having a machine at the National Museum of Science and Technology not only allows the facility to move towards zero waste, but also helps to educate the children and their families on the importance of minimizing food waste and composting!