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Composter helps Vancouver restaurants reduce waste

The dumpster behind Trafalgar’s Bistro and Sweet Obsession bakery has been replaced with a City of Vancouver residential garbage can. But the two eateries can’t even fill that any more. Until a few months ago the dumpster had to be emptied three or four times a week at a cost of almost $1,000 a month … Continued

Celebrity chefs lead the way with composting

NOMA, a two-Michelin star restaurant in Copenhagen installed a food waste composting machine to compost their kitchen food scraps. The composting machine turns food waste into compost, reducing its volume by 90 per cent, in 24 hours. The output is a compost that can be used in horticulture applications. At NOMA, food scraps are collected from the … Continued

UK’s first “zero waste” restaurant compost organic waste

Silo in Brighton mills its own flour for bread, brews its own booze and recycles all food waste. The chef and founder explains their “zero waste” restaurant concept, and how installing an Oklin composter has helped reduce their waste into a useable end product – compost.

Vancouver soup kitchen finds organics solution

With the help of a microbe found deep in the Pacific Ocean, Union Gospel Mission is taking away its bins of organics and replacing them with a composter that recycles scraps into soil in 24 hours. “They smell really bad, they attract rodents and it stinks and we have to pay for it too,” said … Continued

Beach Rotana launched food composting machine

Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi has launched the first food composting machine within the Rotana Group and Abu Dhabi. The machine will help the hotel reduce solid food waste to landfill by up to 90% by transforming the waste into organic fertiliser. The energy-efficient machine is fully automatic and a complete process takes 24 hours from … Continued
