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Oklin’s 5 ton composting machine set up

Oklin International supplies a line of commercial composting machines that can compost from 25kg of food waste a day, up to 1350kg of food waste a day. Apart from the line of commercial units, Oklin also offers a large scale composting machine set up for the Asia market. Our machines, when paired with a grinder, … Continued

Recycling Education Centre – Macau

Macau has an estimated population of 575,000 living in an area of 30.3 km2 (11.6 sq mi). It is considered one of the most densely populated region in the world. With Macao’s small geographic area and high cost of land, landfilling has been the lowest priority for waste disposal. More than 80% of the total waste in Macao was … Continued

Macau International Airport Composting Food Waste!

Macau International Airport (MIA) always bears its social responsibility and commits to protecting the environment in order to develop a “Green Airport”. They have successfully reduced its carbon emissions, and has become accredited within the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme at Level 2 – “Reduction”. In addition to the sustainable development at Macau International Airport, they have … Continued

Macau Solid Waste Incineration Center

Macau has an estimated population of 575,000 living in an area of 30.3 km2 (11.6 sq mi). It takes 30 minutes to travel by car from the north end of Macau bordering China to the south end of Macau. It is considered one of the most densely populated region in the world. With Macao’s small geographic area and high cost … Continued

GASCO – Maha Camp

Install Location Dubai, UAE Model Number GG100 Year Installed Food Waste Processed/Day 250kg/day Food Waste Source Food waste collected from camp canteen Compost Usage Compost cured and reused in Maha Camp gardens and used as erosion and sediment control