Macau’s Institute for Tourism Studies is a public institution of higher education which is administered by the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government. The institution offers degrees in tourism, heritage and hospitality.
The Institute for Tourism Studies organized a task force, “IFT Occupational Safety and Health & Green Task Force”, to enhance the concept of occupational safety and maintain a green campus for all stakeholders, staff, and students.
IFT Green Team is responsible for managing and planning sustainability initiatives, and strives to enhance sustainability practices on campus. IFT Green Team has successfully implemented a paperless environment, adopting different e-applications to reduce the need for using paper.
In February 2011, IFT introduced Oklin’s Food Waste Composter to reduce their daily waste output and the load of Macau’s incinerator. Food waste is collected from the staff and student cafeteria, where diners separate their organic waste from other recyclables. Food waste generated from the kitchen is also collected and emptied into Oklin’s composter.
IFT’s custodial staff empty compost from the machine on a weekly basis, add lime to neutralize the PH level of the compost, and reuse the compost on campus gardens.
Composting at Macau’s Institute for Tourism Studies has been a success. The programme has aroused interests of hotels and restaurants, local schools and organizations and some of them visited the Institute to learn about the impacts of introducing a food waste composter.
Machine Location | Macau, SAR |
Install Year | 2011 |
Machine Model | GG50 |
Food Waste Processed/Day | 125kg |
Food Waste Source | Food waste collected from student and staff cafeteria kitchen and dining room |
Compost Usage | Compost is diluted with lime until it reaches a PH neutral level, and reused in IFT’s gardening soil |