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Prague Boats Composts | Ecology Matters

Prague Boats have been operating on the Vltava River for 25 years, offering sightseeing cruises, lunches, dinner and boat rental for company events.

Prague Boats have implemented many green initiatives to achieve a sustainable operation by:

Making their fleet more environmentally friendly

All cruisers meet the strictest European standards and some boats are powered by hybrid or electric engines.

Saying goodbye to disposable plastics

Unnecessary disposable plastics has been eliminated in the restaurants – there are no plastic cups, cutlery, plates or straws onboard the boats.

They conserve local waters

The modernisation of the fleet is only the first step. We are intrinsically linked to water, which, unfortunately, our country has had a shortage of in recent years. Therefore, we decided to contribute to the planting of trees that retain moisture in the landscape. In 2018 we planted 10,000 trees and this year we are continuing this activity.

Prague Boats doesn’t waste

Approximately 80kg of organic waste from food preparation and unused buffet are composted each day in Okln’s in-vessel composters. Around 40-50kg of compost is produced each week, which is then used to fertilise trees and flowers.

Improving the urban microclimate

To help improve the urban microclimate, Prague Boats created a “green pontoon”, a tree-planted pontoon, on the Dvořák embankment.